Miyerkules, Marso 9, 2011

Starting Off

Hi! My name is Jai, and I made this blog to help people who has limited amount of budget find a make up with good quality and are locally available. I will mostly be doing reviews about make up and other beauty products that are sold locally. I'm from the Philippines, and I live in a small city. And first, I need to point out that I am not an expert. But I love make up, and in loving make up, I made it a point to discover lots of things about make up. So its up to you if you want to listen to me actually. I just want to help.

I started learning about make up through the internet. I also do my research about make up through googling and looking for expert advices through blogs and articles on the net. I have watched make up tutorials on Youtube and make up guru's like Michelle Phan and Jen from frmheadtotoe are my idols. I listen to their advice and I really do want to try out things for myself but sadly, the things that they usually say that are good are either too pricey or not sold here.

So the most that I could do about trying out make up and other beauty products are through drugstore sold stuff or buying online. Now, drugstore sold stuff that has good quality are hard to come by but not rare actually. And I discovered make up's on drugstores that actually has really really good quality without being too pricey. And that is also why I made this blog, to help people, Filipinas specially, to find a good make up that are affordable and easily available. Cause believe me, I knoq what it's like to have a tight budget and wanting your make up kit to have actual make up in it.

So again I say I ain't an expert. But I would like to very much help so its up to you if you want to listen to me.:3

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